Voice technology within the AO Scan system can sense and analyze subtleties in voice patterns. These patterns are interpreted and can identify areas of emotional imbalance as well as physical conditions.
Inner-voice records your voice during a 10 second session and analyzes it against the 12 defined notes or frequencies: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B.
Stated plainly, the Inner Voice diminishes frequencies that are in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack. The underlying tone is the balancing force, while the music is for pleasure. (Some frequencies are not as pleasant sounding). There are also colors associated with the scans, which are associated with the specific tones.
This technology is designed to accurately capture and analyze the data that comes in from the voice and matches it with the harmonics of the body, also looking at the organs which are most effected by the emotions and frequencies.
The AO Scan is like a stimulator that helps us look around the body, through a series of frequencies and biofeedback to create a map of what is currently happening and, as a result, directs us to choices around our health. Through frequent use, the body continually remembers and the frequency helps to re-edcuate and reprogram the brain and body to the correct frequencies of health.
You receive a comprehensive report of your four highest priorities for emotional and health balance. These areas correlate to specific frequencies and the report includes the harmonizing, or balancing, frequencies in an MP3 form to listen to in the comfort of your home.
To learn more about this amazing technology, email Judith: info@judithlabert.com or get your own device HERE: