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Fall Seasons

Hi Friends! 
It has been a bit since I have posted. Whew…. Summer and all the things of 2020 so far. It has definitely thrown me off schedule and I have felt out of sorts. How ’bout you?! 
It is crazy to think we are in September. It often still feels like March to me. March is when life seemed to get crazy and time changed in weird ways! I am not sure if time has stood still or seemed to go by extra fast. I guess a little of both because here we are in September! (We are 114 days until Christmas! *gulp*) 
As we enter this season of change, as fall always is, we are moving back into some normal routines. I have one kiddo attending school virtually. Having a schedule and expectations for the classes yet being away from the building and friends is different. Luckily, this kiddo of mine is self sufficient and a dedicated student so it is my hope that she will manage the routine well. My little one will attend a homeschooling academy 2 days a week and I will be supplementing her learning at home the other 3 (another *gulp*!) I am excited to have 2 days working in person (and having a break from my home and children) and opportunities to do things like making more food and baking with my girls, incorporating exercise and being diligent in my home business and personal growth and development. I am a bit apprehensive, as change is always a challenge. I am a bit uncertain how the schooling “at home” pieces will pan out and my working from home but I suppose we survived back in the spring so I think we can do it again! 
This fall, I have a number of goals. I have business goals, personal development goals, fitness and health goals and family goals. I have been working on a lot since this spring, as I have had time and opportunities to challenge myself. One of the areas I have been focusing on is Chiropractic. Not just the same ol’ chiro… I had an atlas adjustment to attempt to help my headaches that I have had for years. (I had a concussion about 12 years ago and though headaches are “normal”…) I have since learned that many of my body aches and issues, as well as other issues like digestion, have been impacted by having my atlas out of wack! My right side of my body was overcompensating for the twist in my spine, thus creating some aches and pains in my back, hip, knees, neck and more. Since then, my sleep has improved like crazy (not getting up to pee 4 times a night is Ahhhmazing!) and my energy levels are increasing. My digestion was tested 6 months ago and I was not absorbing all the nutrients that I was taking in. Now, I am feeling better and better every day with the vitamin regime and with my spine being in better condition! Wow. It is nice that I am feeling more like myself and things are starting to feel more balanced. 
I am also using some amazing supplements and oils to support my hormones and pain levels when those muscles act up. I am also working on massage to let these muscles release (from the long term tension of being out of alignment) and to look at emotional release. 
Now THAT is a biggie. Emotions. 
As a therapist, I focus on emotions. For other people. 
Self care and doing the work myself has been a challenge. But oh so very necessary! I know my body is holding a lot- physically and emotionally. I am using the oils and a lot of mindfulness and conscious language training to work on my own emotional well being. In my mindset work, there is a lot of goal setting and business development that is another layer to my personal work. That is another challenge with change
I am excited to share more and share regularly what my journey has been like between health and business and homeschooling in this new season! Be on the lookout for more from me and we can laugh, cry and grow together. <3
Happy Season of Growth to us all as we embark this new adventure together! We got this! 
(P.S: I want to know! What are you most challenged with? DM me and let me know what you are focused on in this season of change!
Follow me on Instagram at @ArtsAndAromas for more the day to day on my journey…. See you there!)
Picture of Judith Labert

Judith Labert

I have over 15 years of experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Addictions counselor, as well as focusing on Art Therapy, PCIT/Parenting and Trauma as my specialties. I added an Integrative Mental Health Certification as well as other holistic tools to help my clients.
Now as a Certified Life AND Certified Mental Wellness Coach, specializing in the realm of overall life balance and Mental Wellness, I am able to bring all of my skill sets to the table.
Through my own journey, I have discovered my passion of helping others become their best selves through an integrative approach, using holistic tools such as various art and therapy modalities, lifestyle coaching, emotional release techniques, aromatherapy, goal setting, mindset and more!

hi! I'm Judith!

I am passionate about holistic healing, emotional health & wholeness and helping people achieve their best lives authentically!

I’m a Certified Life AND Certified Mental Wellness Coach, specializing in the realm of overall life balance and Mental Wellness.

Let's Connect!
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