So I am working on this THING.
I recently completed an Integrative Mental Health certification. I am working on applying for the official certification and this now allows me to offer supplements to my clients! I am so excited to be able to recommend products to better increase customer care, reducing symptoms and promoting better overall health!
What this means is that I am better able to assess other pieces that one might need to help their health, especially mental health, issues. Between nutritional deficiencies and exercise recommendations, possible blood test recommendations and the usual mental health skills, I can hopefully find ways to better find success for my clients!
What this also means is working on setting up a website and compiling ALLLLLLLL the info. I am not great about remembering all the products, especially since there are a number of products with multiple uses. My brain capacity is really tested with the new knowledge! #hurts
I am excited to be able to offer more to my clients! I already offer aroma and art and other awesome techniques for my clients. This is all a work in progress, and takes time. #momlife Sometimes time is not my friend. Life. Summer. Busy. Children. Sleep. You know- the daily and weekly tasks that take away from the #goals.

Stay tuned… I am anxious to get this rolling! 🙂